Elected to the National Institute of Arts and Letters, New York.
Separates from Helen Frankenthaler.
Moves principal studio to Greenwich, Connecticut. Rothko commits
suicide and Motherwell writes a eulogy delivered January 1971.
Protests Vietnam War by refusing to contribute to federally
sponsored exhibition. Participates in Art Workers’ Coalition
at MoMA.
Divorces Frankenthaler. Appointed distinguished professor
at Hunter College.
Begins sessions with Blackwood Productions for documentary film
on him.
Marries the photographer Renate Ponsold.
Collage retrospective at Museum of Fine Arts, Houston.
Complete etchings for Alberti’s
A la pintura
published by Universal
Limited Art Editions.
Lauwrence Rubins becomes his main dealer (and subsequently
heads M. Knoedler & Co, New York, London, Zurich).
Kenneth Tyler becomes his major collaborator in lithography.
Begins series
In Plato’s Cave.
Begins making etchings on his own press in Greenwich,
with Catherine Mousley.
Emergency hospitalisation. Undergoes major surgery at Mt. Sinai
Hospital, New York, remains on heart drug therapy and monitoring
for remainder of his life.
Retrospective exhibitions at Museum of Modern Art, Mexico City
and at the Princeton Art Museum.
Retrospective exhibitions in Dusseldorf and Stockholm.
Retrospective exhibitions in Vienna, Edinburgh and Paris.
Begins mural commissioned by the National Gallery of Art,
Washington, D.C.
Retrospective exhibition at the Royal Academy of Art, London.
Receives Grande Medaille de Vermeil de la Ville de Paris. Mural
installed at the National Gallery of Art.
Receives Gold Medal of Honour from Pennsylvania Academy of
Fine Arts, Philadelphia.
Retrospective exhibition, William Benton Museum of Art,
University of Connecticut, Storrs.
Retrospective exhibitions in Barcelona and Madrid. Awarded Gold
Medal University of Salamanca, Spain. Graphics retrospective
Museum of Modern Art, New York, under the auspices of the
American Federation of Arts.
Mayor’s Award, New York.
Opening in November of Motherwell gallery in perpetuity
in the Bavarian State Gallery of Modern Art, Munich.
Writes foreword to
Abstract Expressionist Painting
by William C. Seitz, Harvard University Press.
Recipient of gold medal from king Juan Carlos of Spain.
General health begins to decline.
Enters Greenwich Hospital after suffering a stroke. Recuperates
and enjoys an intense period of painting in 1991.
Dies at the age of 76, on July 16th in Cape Cod, Massachusetts.